Crossword SNITCH

A quantitative guide to the degree of difficulty of the Times Cryptic Crossword

Name: Aidleys

TftT Name
Solver Typetracked
Average Time48:47
SNITCH Alignment0.62

Top Ten Results

Date Day of week Crossword Solving Time (m:ss)
2024-10-17 Thursday 29050 19:54
2024-12-11 Wednesday 29097 28:53
2024-08-26 Monday 29005 29:40
2024-12-09 Monday 29095 30:31
2024-09-24 Tuesday 29030 32:04
2024-12-04 Wednesday 29091 37:42
2024-10-02 Wednesday 29037 39:09
2024-10-30 Wednesday 29061 42:35
2024-08-05 Monday 28987 44:28
2024-10-16 Wednesday 29049 46:22

Recent Results

Personal NITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
96 2024-12-16 29101 96
141 2024-12-09 29095 62 29097 59 29099 304
77 2024-12-02 29091 77
135 2024-11-04 29065 135
88 2024-10-28 29061 88

WITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
137 2024-12-16 29101 137
123 2024-12-09 29095 96 29097 101 29099 174
113 2024-12-02 29091 113
245 2024-11-04 29065 245
110 2024-10-28 29061 110

Alignment to SNITCH