Crossword SNITCH

A quantitative guide to the degree of difficulty of the Times Cryptic Crossword

Name: Winchelt

TftT Name
Solver Typetracked
Average Time29:29
SNITCH Alignment0.23

Top Ten Results

Date Day of week Crossword Solving Time (m:ss)
2024-06-25 Tuesday 28952 06:05
2024-01-03 Wednesday 28803 08:05
2024-04-26 Friday 28901 16:38
2024-02-20 Tuesday 28844 18:14
2024-09-18 Wednesday 29025 18:34
2024-05-02 Thursday 28906 20:16
2024-10-02 Wednesday 29037 20:44
2024-01-24 Wednesday 28821 21:10
2024-08-15 Thursday 28996 21:22
2024-05-08 Wednesday 28911 21:38

Recent Results

Personal NITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
97 2024-10-07 29041 97
101 2024-09-30 29035 111 29037 70 29038 112 29039 111
92 2024-09-23 29029 88 29030 81 29032 105 29033 97
180 2024-09-16 29023 89 29024 79 29025 63 29026 543 29027 126
125 2024-09-09 29017 115 29018 151 29021 109
107 2024-09-02 29012 123 29013 110 29015 88

WITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
121 2024-10-07 29041 121
101 2024-09-30 29035 102 29037 93 29038 128 29039 84
102 2024-09-23 29029 118 29030 115 29032 74 29033 103
179 2024-09-16 29023 125 29024 77 29025 71 29026 493 29027 131
116 2024-09-09 29017 129 29018 148 29021 73
126 2024-09-02 29012 173 29013 120 29015 85

Alignment to SNITCH