Crossword SNITCH

A quantitative guide to the degree of difficulty of the Times Cryptic Crossword

Name: piltdown man

TftT Name
Solver Typereference
Average Time38:39
SNITCH Alignment1.49

Top Ten Results

Date Day of week Crossword Solving Time (m:ss)
2024-07-29 Monday 28981 15:17
2024-03-26 Tuesday 28874 17:24
2024-05-07 Tuesday 28910 19:35
2024-04-30 Tuesday 28904 22:03
2024-08-26 Monday 29005 22:30
2024-04-08 Monday 28885 24:22
2024-07-31 Wednesday 28983 26:55
2024-06-24 Monday 28951 27:46
2024-08-06 Tuesday 28988 27:49
2024-08-07 Wednesday 28989 27:52

Recent Results

Personal NITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
95 2024-09-02 29014 95
105 2024-08-26 29005 56 29007 155
112 2024-08-19 29001 112
69 2024-08-05 28988 69 28989 69
66 2024-07-29 28981 38 28983 67 28984 95

WITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
115 2024-09-02 29014 115
109 2024-08-26 29005 91 29007 128
141 2024-08-19 29001 141
72 2024-08-05 28988 74 28989 71
92 2024-07-29 28981 69 28983 84 28984 125

Alignment to SNITCH