Crossword SNITCH

A quantitative guide to the degree of difficulty of the Times Cryptic Crossword

Name: m28ale

TftT Name
Solver Typereference
Average Time08:20
SNITCH Alignment0.63

Top Ten Results

Date Day of week Crossword Solving Time (m:ss)
2024-05-18 Saturday 28920 01:46
2024-02-17 Saturday 28842 01:47
2024-08-17 Saturday 28998 01:47
2024-09-07 Saturday 29016 01:48
2024-04-20 Saturday 28896 01:49
2024-08-31 Saturday 29010 01:51
2024-05-25 Saturday 28926 01:53
2024-11-02 Saturday 29064 01:53
2024-02-03 Saturday 28830 01:55
2024-05-11 Saturday 28914 01:56

Recent Results

Personal NITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
288 2024-11-25 29085 232 29086 344
290 2024-11-18 29078 435 29079 176 29080 514
218 2024-11-11 29072 376 29073 242 29074 218
118 2024-11-04 29067 134 29068 176
36 2024-10-28

WITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
306 2024-11-25 29085 254 29086 358
310 2024-11-18 29078 649 29079 191 29080 349
212 2024-11-11 29072 278 29073 206 29074 320
166 2024-11-04 29067 203 29068 258
37 2024-10-28

Alignment to SNITCH