Crossword SNITCH

A quantitative guide to the degree of difficulty of the Times Cryptic Crossword

Name: hydrochoos

TftT Namehydrochoos
Solver Typereference
Average Time44:43
SNITCH Alignment0.72

Top Ten Results

Date Day of week Crossword Solving Time (m:ss)
2024-06-03 Monday 28933 05:00
2024-01-23 Tuesday 28820 05:00
2024-05-20 Monday 28921 10:00
2024-06-14 Friday 28943 15:00
2024-05-24 Friday 28925 18:00
2024-04-21 Sunday 5108 20:00
2019-01-08 Tuesday 27242 20:50
2024-08-21 Wednesday 29001 22:00
2025-02-04 Tuesday 29144 22:00
2015-11-19 Thursday 26260 22:12

Recent Results

Personal NITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
100 2025-02-10 29151 111 29152 89
95 2025-02-03 29144 49 29146 76 29147 161
109 2025-01-27 29137 109
102 2025-01-20 29132 102
104 2025-01-13
123 2025-01-06 29122 109 29123 137
118 2024-12-30 29113 120 29115 116

WITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
104 2025-02-10 29151 111 29152 98
101 2025-02-03 29144 85 29146 78 29147 140
147 2025-01-27 29137 147
112 2025-01-20 29132 112
105 2025-01-13
120 2025-01-06 29122 145 29123 95
114 2024-12-30 29113 131 29115 97

Alignment to SNITCH

Monthly average times

The table below shows the monthly average solving times for hydrochoos

MonthAverage time
Jun 2024 37:54

Plot of average time in minutes
