Crossword SNITCH

A quantitative guide to the degree of difficulty of the Times Cryptic Crossword

Name: johninterred

TftT NameJohninterred
Solver Typeblog_solver
Average Time15:10
SNITCH Alignment1.31

Top Ten Results

Date Day of week Crossword Solving Time (m:ss)
2021-10-07 Thursday 28102 09:32
2021-10-05 Tuesday 28100 11:09
2023-10-18 Wednesday 28737 13:20
2020-11-19 Thursday 27826 14:46
2022-10-11 Tuesday 28418 15:34
2021-08-10 Tuesday 28052 16:44
2021-10-06 Wednesday 28101 17:05
2020-11-20 Friday 27827 17:35
2021-08-12 Thursday 28054 29:52
2020-04-13 Monday 27637

Recent Results

Personal NITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
73 2024-10-07 29041 73
84 2024-09-30 29035 77 29036 105 29037 70
119 2024-09-23 29029 63 29030 81 29032 236 29033 97
81 2024-09-16 29023 45 29025 88 29027 112
91 2024-09-09 29017 100 29018 102 29019 73
96 2024-09-02 29011 92 29012 66 29013 140 29015 87

WITCH results

Week beginning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
91 2024-10-07 29041 91
90 2024-09-30 29035 71 29036 108 29037 93
117 2024-09-23 29029 85 29030 115 29032 167 29033 103
93 2024-09-16 29023 63 29025 100 29027 116
101 2024-09-09 29017 112 29018 100 29019 93
104 2024-09-02 29011 89 29012 92 29013 153 29015 84

Alignment to SNITCH